Apple has now launched the fourth beta version for iOS 15.5 and iPadOS 15.5. As always, the update will only be released for all registered developers, the public beta will follow. Not much is known about changes in the new build so far.
Based on the release notes published for developers, however, it can be guessed that most of the work is currently being put into improving the functions that will start with 15.5. This includes changes for the Photos app, the new Passkey technology (authentication method) with which one can log into websites, "Apple Classical" app for classical music and new "under the hood", many improvements and bug fixes.
At the beginning of April, Apple started the first beta in the public test program. Further changes have not yet been announced. A short-term start for all users is probably not yet to be expected, but it looks like Apple has started to fine-tune it.
How to join the beta program
Participation in the Beta Program is free and requires a one-time registration to the Program at from the applicable device. Incidentally, this applies to all beta versions that Apple is testing, i.e. iPhone, iPad, Watch, Mac and TV. To do this, users must enter their Apple ID and then receive the update automatically via the update function. There is a special login page for developers.
The new version is now available for registered users as an over-the-air update. Testing the beta versions is always at your own risk and should not run on the productive system. iOS 15.5 should be completed within the next few weeks. iOS 16 will be presented at the WWDC in June, which is scheduled to start in autumn.
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